Your child sees their pediatrician from birth for multiple wellness visits and check ups, monitoring your child’s length, weight and overall growth. These visits are to make sure they are on track for proper physical development in infancy. But, who is checking inside their mouth?? Structures in a child’s mouth help them breathe, sleep, eat and swallow properly. These are all basic life functions that your child deserves to do with ease
-Mini Sproutz
We know there are many changes and lots of growth that happens in a child during these years, making baby oral care just as important as physical check-ups. At mini Sproutz, we feel it’s absolutely necessary for children to be seen as early as possible to help guide the growth and development of their mouths from a young age. This even goes for infant oral care before teeth!
We have developed mini Sproutz as a 9 session program to help prevent future issues in and around the mouth. We cannot give advice unless we are able to see these children, screen them, meet their needs and have an action plan to ensure optimal oral growth and development. When you prioritize baby oral care, you’re setting your child up for a prosperous future free from easily avoidable setbacks.
The Six Sproutz Stepz to a Solid Foundation will evaluate 6 areas of newborn development: breathing, oral posture, body posture, dental development, nutrition & sleeping. This leads to healthy open airways to breathe and sleep better, broad wide jaws to accommodate incoming baby and adult teeth, and proper movement of the tongue and other oral structures for proper feeding and swallowing
The SIX SPROUTZ STEPS: breathing, oral posture, body posture, dental development, nutrition & sleeping are the foundations of solid health.
We will guide you step by step with the best practices so you can help your child at home. Our baby oral care services also include regular wellness visits at each stage of our Six Sproutz Stepz to a Solid Foundation. Every child deserves a strong foundation right from birth. mini Sproutz fills the gap in healthcare to check their mouth at all the crucial points, while ensuring they are growing properly, or receiving the support they need if they are not.
Your child’s first smile at you will be a moment you never forget. Help protect it with mini Sproutz’s supportive newborn oral care and health check-ups over the first 3 years of life to ensure your little one is growing and flourishing. From a prenatal check-in, all the way until age three (when your child will enter into regular dental care), the mini Sproutz program uses the 9 sessions to support you every step of the way as your baby develops and grows.
- Prenatal
- Birth
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 9 months
- 1 year old
- 1.5 year old
- 2 year old
- 2.5 year old
Click the images below to check out what to expect during each age phase as we check up on developmental newborn milestones and assess for growth or concerns in their oral health and wellbeing.
What to expect when your mini sprout arrives, and how to start out on the right path to happy healthy smiles for the whole family. Mama’s mouth makes a difference on mini’s mouth. So our first appointment starts before baby is born to help take care of Mom. Also we will help the parents prepare for feeding plans that support their mouth development once mini is here.
During this time there are two appointments with your mini. One in the first few weeks of life. In this session we will looking at babies oral motor ability and guiding you through the tools to take care of your mini’s mouth. Yes even before they have teeth, there are so many ways you can keep their mouth healthy and growing into their potential. The second session is around the 3 month mark. In this appointment we get you prepared to take care of your baby’s teeth as they start to come in.
We will continue to check on your child oral health and development every 3 months as they grow. So in the budz phase of growth we will see you at 6 month milestone and again around 9 month marker. At the 6 month stage solid food introduction brings up a lot of questions…How do I know if they are ready for chewing solid food? Should I stick to purees? What types of solid food to introduce and when? The mini sproutz program was developed so that we will be with you every step of the way to guide you through this transitional phase. We will cover topics such as:
At the one year birthday celebration and 1.5yr mark, we will talk about transitions from baby to always on the go toddler. Helping you to combine their unique needs for independence and support to sprout into who they are meant to be. As new motor skills and movement flourish we are here to guide you through the play and activties that will support ideal growth. We will also assess and address the many oral health concerns that can sprout up at this age.
We want to ensure a solid foundation for your mini sprout as they blossom. On this path we will check in at their 2nd birthday and again in 6 months, as they continue to roll into regular 6 month dental check-ups as they grow into a young child. In these sessions:
Your Baby’s mouth helps them breathe, sleep, and eat…
The foundations of life….
So don’t be in the dark about your child’s oral development and…
Set up your child for ideal oral growth and development.